Hi! I am Yvonne.
I’m a passionate Ayurvedic Chef and Health Coach dedicated to guiding you through the jungle of diets. I will support you in making the best choices for your personal health.
It’s my greatest wish that you realize how much influence you have on your health and well-being through your diet and lifestyle. Let food be your medicine and choose the food that nourishes you. Reconnect with your senses and recognize what truly makes you feel good.
I’ll show you that eating healty isn’t difficult or comes with sacrifies. You will learn how to prepare delicous, easy and satisfying meals which will water your mouth and make you feel good!
Hi! I am Yvonne.

I’m a passionate Ayurvedic Chef and Health Coach dedicated to guiding you through the jungle of diets. I will support you in making the best choices for your personal health.
It’s my greatest wish that you realize how much influence you have on your health and well-being through your diet and lifestyle. Let food be your medicine and choose the food that nourishes you. Reconnect with your senses and recognize what truly makes you feel good.
I’ll show you that eating healty isn’t difficult or comes with sacrifies. You will learn how to prepare delicous, easy and satisfying meals which will water your mouth and make you feel good!
“Food makes man; Food makes diseases too. It is the choice of wholesome or unwholesome diet, that decides between health & illness”
Charaka Samhita 28/45

For a long time, I wasn’t aware of how much impact my diet and habits had on my well-being.
I was constantly tired, suffered from migraines, had vague stomach pains and was frequently sick. After eating I usually felt heavy and bloated. At one point, my stomach was so bloated that the pharmacist refused to give me nasal spray because she thought I was pregnant. Ouch…
I believed I couldn’t change my situation anyway and it’s actually normal feeling tired and bloated all day. Isn’t everyone feeling tired? Blood tests and check-ups at the doctor’s never provided any answers—everything seemed fine on paper. But deep down, I knew nothing was right!

I also spent several years trying out various diets. Weight Watchers, low-calorie, low-carb, no-carb, counting calories, eating only salads and soups… I tried everything possible to be slim and healthy to match the supposed ideal.
As you can imagine – it didn’t work well. The yo-yo effect was relentless. As a result, I was very moody, dissatisfied and couldn’t really enjoy my life. Living ‘healthy’ meant to sacrifice taste and the satisfying feeling after enjoying a rich and tasty meal (healthy meals can’t be tasty, no?). I think you know what I’m talking about…

Discovering Ayurveda
But then, when I was at my worst, I finally discovered Ayurveda. In 2020 I attended my first course and it felt like an awakening for me. I know “awakening” is a powerful word, but that’s exactly how it felt.
For the first time, I truly felt seen and understood for who I am, for what I need. The holistic view on the human being, the connections between the body and mind made so much sense to me. And most importantly realizing and understanding that health starts within your gut. If your digestion is functioning well, you’ll feel energetic and healthy.
You are what you digest.
I gradually realized how far out of balance I had become and what lay truly behind my symptoms. For years as a teacher, I had been living against my true nature. I was not eating accordantly to my personal needs, exploiting my body. From that point on, I couldn’t help but dive even deeper into that ancient wisdom. This was the beginning of my journey with Ayurveda, a journey that ultimately led me back to myself and, eventually, out of the school system.
Back to balance
As I started shaping my life according to Ayurvedic principles and experienced firsthand how positively even seemingly small changes in daily life could impact my body and mind, it became clear that I had to share this knowledge with others. I became a student of Ayurveda not only for myself but also for you!
Now, I can enjoy food again—strict diets and prohibitions are a thing of the past. Through Ayurveda, I know which foods suit me and which spices enhance my digestion. My meals are now richer in proteins and fiber and filled with flavour. Plus, I still can’t believe that I’ve been migraine-free since 2022!

My Vision
I believe that a healthy life can be our natural state—a life where you feal at ease. I am convinced that Ayurveda provides us powerful tools to bring our body, mind and soul back into balance, enabling us to live a healthy and happy life. We hold our health in our own hands and can improve our well-being through conscious choices regarding our diet and lifestyle.
You don’t need a special diet and follow Instagram trends. You don’t need to count calories, load yourself with protein shakes, cut out sugar, eat keto, eliminate all the delicious things from your meal plan, or drive yourself crazy with restrictions.
You just need to finally find the diet that suits you! Discover what YOU truly need. You are unique and comparisons are pointless. What works so well for your friend might be harmful to you.
But please keep in mind: Change takes time. Small steps lead to success and bring about truly sustainable change. Be patient and don’t be too hard on yourself. I know that’s easier said than done. But I’m here to support you, to help you sustainably adjust your diet and integrating habits into your daily life that will give you energy.
Sounds interesting? Let’s talk!
My certifications & trainings
- Certificate Cours „Food as Medicine“ (Tilak Ayurveda College in Pune & All Indian Institute of Ayurveda in Delhi, India) 2024
- Ayurveda Chef & Health Coach (Rosenberg Ayurveda Akademie, Germany) 2023
- Relaxation Trainer (BTB, Germany) 2022
- Yin Yoga Basic Training (Sunita Ehlers, Germany) 2021
- Ayurveda Nutrition & Health Consultant (Ayurveda Campus Schwerin, Germany) 2021
- Mindfulness Trainer (fitmedi Akademie, Germany) 2021
- Special Needs Teacher (2012-2022 with numerous additional trainings in Counceling & Nonviolent Communication)